Personal Injury | October 4, 2021

Injuries that Might Need Emergency Treatment

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Even seemingly minor injuries could sometimes be painful and overwhelming, particularly when they affect sensitive body parts. In some cases, injuries following an accident can be treated easily and won’t require emergency treatment. However, some injuries resulting from serious accidents could cause severe injuries that will require prompt medical treatment at an emergency or urgent care setting, to assess and prevent loss of life, complications, or permanent impairments.


If you sustain any of the below serious injuries after an accident, strongly consider seeking emergency treatment ASAP. Then, contact a Bonney Lake personal injury attorney.


Head and Brain Injuries


Since even seemingly minor concussions could lead to brain swelling and internal bleeding if not addressed immediately, brain and head injuries necessitate strongly considering reporting for emergency or urgent care, especially when they’re accompanied by the following symptoms:


  1. Persistent and/or worsening headache
  2. Vomiting
  3. Seizures
  4. Slurred speech
  5. Convulsions
  6. Agitation
  7. Confusion
  8. Restlessness
  9. Numbness and weakness
  10. Decreased coordination
  11. Trouble waking or staying awake


Eye Injuries


Any damage to the eye, especially if there are cuts and/or bleeding, would probably benefit from prompt medical attention. Likewise, it’s best to seek emergency care if you experience cloudy, dark, or bright areas in your vision because this could indicate a serious issue such as a detached retina.


Severe Lacerations


Severe puncture wounds and cuts could result in nerve damage, severe bleeding, or amputation. You should also consider getting prompt medical help if foreign materials enter your body through a serious laceration to avoid severe infection.


Severe Burns


First-degree or minor burns that only affect the topmost layer of the skin can likely be treated with simple home remedies, such as cooling the affected area with cold water, applying soothing creams like aloe vera, and taking an OTC pain reliever. On the other hand, second to fourth-degree burns likely require emergency treatment to prevent permanent tissue damage, scarring, disfigurement, and impaired mobility.


Bone Fractures


These could occur due to serious impacts or falls. A fractured bone should be immobilized immediately, and manipulation of the fractured area must be avoided. Keep in mind that fractures could sever nerves or blood vessels if not immobilized and could result in more serious injury, so obtain emergency treatment to avoid further complications.


It is likewise crucial to note that even minor symptoms could indicate more serious issues, particularly for smaller kids and older adults who might also have pre-existing health problems. Emergency care following an accident should also be sought if you have any of these symptoms:


  1. Uncontrolled bleeding
  2. Persistent or worsening chest pain
  3. Persistent breathing difficulties or wheezing
  4. Balance issues or fainting
  5. Weakness or paralysis
  6. Severe pain or headaches
  7. Altered mental state, confusion, or difficulty speaking
  8. Genital pain or swelling
  9. Abnormal heart palpitations
  10. Vision problems
  11. Intestinal bleeding
  12. Seizures
  13. Repeated vomiting


Contact a Skilled Personal Injury Lawyer in Washington Now

If you’ve suffered serious personal injuries in any type of accident, seek help from Anderson Law, PLLC, today. You can learn more about seeking compensation for your losses through a free consultation with our skilled personal injury lawyer in Washington. Schedule your appointment online or by phone at 253-862-1811.

The information contained on this website is intended for informational purposes only, and is not legal advice. Nothing in this website establishes an attorney-client relationship between us. Different facts can dramatically affect a legal opinion. You should consult an attorney for legal advice that pertains to your personal situation.


Joshua D. Anderson

Joshua D. Anderson grew up in Enumclaw, Washington with a close-knit family who instilled in him the values of faith, family, and hard work. Since a young age, Josh knew he wanted to be an attorney so he could advocate for others and always knew his focus would be personal injury. He completed his undergraduate degree at the University of San Diego and graduated Cum Laude from Seattle University School of Law. While pursuing his degree, Josh served as an extern for the Seattle City Attorney’s Office.